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Complaints and Appeals QMS Pack

Complaints and Appeals QMS Pack

If a student is dissatisfied with their learning experience, or they wish to appeal an assesssment descision, they have the right to lodge a formal complaint or appeal. Your policies and procedures must inform your consumers of how and when they can lodge a complaint or an assessment qappeal, and of the fair process that will be undertaken to resolve the dispute.


This pack, when implemented, will contribute to your RTO’s compliance with the Standards for RTOs 2015 clause 2.1, 6.1, 6.3-6.5, 8.5.

  • File Format

    Word documents - fully editable and customisable to your brand.

  • This pack contains:

    • Complaints Handling POLICY PROCEDURE
    • Assessment Appeals POLICY PROCEDURE
    • Complaints Lodgement FORM
    • Assessment Appeals Review FORM
    • Complaints and Appeals REGISTER
    • Consumer Protection POLICY PROCEDURE

    With the release of the draft Revised Standards for RTOs expected in 2024, these policies, procedures, forms, tools and templates will be revised and will return to full price.


    Make the most of this discount today and update internally to meet the requirements of the revised Standards once they are publicly released.

Excluding Sales Tax

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