High quality teaching, learning and assessment resources are key to providing good quality training to your students. Coast Wide Training Solutions provides you with contextualised resources and tools that are specifically written to meet the needs of your RTO.
The resources in this program have been developed and contextualised for the full TLI41222 - Certificate IV in Motor Vehicle Driver Training (Car) qualification and provides for training and learning in a range of skills required to become a vehicle driving instructor.
This program includes all of the teaching and learning resources for students to instruct others to apply safe car driving behaviours when operating a motor vehicle, including designing and developing learning programs, customer service skills and business operations.
These resources and tools will cover the following units of competency:
- TLIL2060 Complete induction to the transport industry
- TLIL4009 Manage personal work priorities and professional development
- TLIG2007 Work in a socially diverse environment
- TLII0005 Apply customer service skills
- BSBINS309 Maintain business records
- TLIF0025 Follow work health and safety procedures
- TLIC0031 Apply low risk car driving behaviours
- TLIC1051 Operate commercial vehicle
- TAEASS301 Contribute to assessment
- TAEDEL301 Provide work skill instruction
- TLIM0008 Conduct car driver training
- TLIM0016 Develop low risk car driving behaviours in others
TLI41222 Cert IV Motor Vehicle Driver Training (Car)
File Format:
Word documents - fully editable and customisable to your brand.
Additional eLearning SCORM file coming soon - contact us to find out more!
This pack will contain:
- All units of competency teaching, learning and assessment resources, tools and strategies
- TLI41222 RPL Kit
- TLI Level IV LLN Kit
Additional Inclusions:
- Training and Assessment Strategy
- Student Training Plan